1| One of the many adorable old pictures I found of my Mum and I on Mother's Day
2| Reunited with my ladies at Easter
3| My adorable cat has taken to dishing out kisses, super cute
As I'm off to Dorset in a sec (yesterday by the time this is published) I've scheduled a round-up post for you; gotta keep the blog ticking over while I'm away at my grandparents and the internet is a foreign concept. I'm going to get really good at sudokus and be completely up-to-date with Coronation Street, fantastic.
I'll be frank with you, I've had a pretty rubbish month as a whole, especially towards the end. That being said, I've had loads of support from good friends and family, and of course my adorable ball of fur Millie - I know I've thanked you all 100 times already, but honest to god you're all amazing and I love you loads. Less than two months until I've officially finished university and get to move on to pastures anew, which may be completely terrifying but I think I'm ready to embrace some change. This coming month promises an absolute mountain of university work, plenty of sleepless nights and stress-induced panic attacks, but fingers crossed I'll get everything under control and life in Sheffield will be much brighter. I think my little trip to Dorset, then a few more days in Nottingham will give me a lovely little breather before the madness that is to come.