Good Vibrations
Yesterday was my un-birthday (I turned exactly 21 and a half) so Sophie and I celebrated by going to the cinema and then having plenty of gins. As my headache is finally beginning to subside I'm just about managing to squeeze in my weekly film post before the clock strikes midnight.
Good Vibrations is an inspiring bio-pic about the life of Terri Hooley, the godfather of the Irish punk scene. Set amidst the war, poverty and desolation of Belfast from the 60s through to the 80s, the film captures the escape from misery that music provided for many young people, and how Hooley made so much possible for them. The film itself was super feel good and had a lot of laugh-out-loud funny moments, something that definitely grabs me in a film. Sophie and I left the cinema feeling like we were born in the wrong era and wanted to go smash some shit up. Or at least find ourselves a couple of leather-clad rebels to cause mischief with.
Check out the trailer:
You should definitely go and watch it if you get the chance, the soundtrack is killer, as you can probably imagine, and the story is really powerful. We were both suitably impressed, and I'm sure all of you will be too. This evening calls for films and sweets in bed as Sophie and I postpone our dissertation stresses for one more day, promising ourselves that tomorrow will be super productive. We'll see how that goes.
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